Despite its overwhelming support, Governor Youngkin vetoed SB119, a 340B bill that would have prohibited drugmaker contract pharmacy restrictions on FQHCs in Virginia. Youngkin’s May 17, veto was the final action on SB119, which had nearly unanimously passed both legislative chambers before arriving at the governor’s desk.
VCHA has submitted an Op-Ed to our local, and national, newspapers expressing our disappointment in the Governor’s decision. We’re urging you to do the same! We’re asking our member CEOs to leverage their leadership positions by utilizing the below copy and authoring Op-Eds to their local newspapers. By uniting our voices, we can create a significant impact on local healthcare conversations. This initiative can influence public opinion, garner support for policy changes, and ultimately improve the health and well-being of our communities.
To get started, choose the health center location you use or support. Then, click on ” the “Select and Copy Text” button below. Most newspapers accept op-ed submissions online or via email. To increase your chances of getting your op-ed published, you should: