
2025 Membership Awards Nominations

VCHA is pleased to announce the 2025 Membership Award Program, celebrating individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to community healthcare in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Award winners will be announced at the Awards Breakfast during the VCHA Annual Membership Meeting and Conference on September 25, in Roanoke VA.

Nominations should be submitted by Friday, August 1.

For questions or more information about the awards program, contact marketing@vcha.org

Nomination Criteria

    • Provider of the Year: The Provider of the Year award recognizes an outstanding health care provider who has demonstrated dedication, expertise, and concern for their patients in a compassionate and comprehensive manner.
    • Nurse of the Year: The Nurse of the Year award recognizes a nurse who has demonstrated dedication, expertise, and concern to see that patients are afforded the best quality care, and who has demonstrated outstanding quality in working with staff, patients, and family members.
    • NEW! Dentist of the Year: The Dentist of the Year recognizes a health center dental professional for outstanding contributions to their community, health center and the dental profession. 
    • NEW! Behavioral Health Professional of the Year: The Behavioral Health Professional of the Year recognizes those who have taken extraordinary actions to make behavioral and mental health services available in their health centers and communities.
    • Staff Member of the Year: The Staff Member of the Year award recognizes a non-medical employee of a Health Center who has demonstrated dedication and concern to see that patients are afforded the best quality care, and who has demonstrated outstanding quality in working with staff, patients, and family members.
    • Volunteer of the Year: The Volunteer of the Year award recognizes an outstanding board member, unpaid staff member, or an individual other than board or unpaid staff who has served voluntarily to promote community health care.
    • Special Recognition Award: The Special Recognition award is presented to an outstanding staff person of a member organization who is a non-provider or non-volunteer for their extraordinary efforts in support of the organization’s overall mission.
    • A1C Award: The A1C Award recognizes a member health center for success in improving A1C rates among their patient population. The winning health center is determined by analyzing UDS statistics from 2022 through 2023.
    • Colorectal Cancer Screening Award: Recognizes a member health center who has dedicating their time, talent and expertise to advancing initiatives that support colorectal screening rates in their communities. The winning health center is determined by analyzing UDS statistics from 2022 through 2023.
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